Dingbats and Matadors

Matador and Apartment Building

Matador and Apartment Building

Today is another day of nothingness. But as I wander through piles of photographs that have yet to processed and catalogued, I can’t help but smile when I come across something with as much charm as this. It’s got everything one could want: hollywood junipers, rock facade, decorative concrete blocks, googie styling, and of course a thrashed Matador. Ahhh, Albany.

Lucky me. Either the AMC collector in El Cerrito sold his collection or moved into my neighborhood. Three beat Matadors and a Javelin are constantly showing up parked in different places, trying to avoid the three-day limit on parking before towing happens. They are always somewhere new, but I never seen any of them actually in motion. Maybe he does it with a Star Trek transporter. The only downside is that there are no Gremlins or Pacers. C’mon! Are you a collector or what?


  1. Emilie Raguso February 3, 2011

    Are you the one who wrote “tow” on the window? You can admit it…

  2. Anonymous February 16, 2011

    never! someone might take it seriously, and THEN what would i shoot?

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