Since I primarily use Lightroom for processing and do almost no layering and compositing in Photoshop, I have no skills when it comes to removing annoying things in the image. I tried with this one, and, well, let’s just say it didn’t work out. I can see the value of this, even if not planning to do it a lot. This still needs fixing, so, just consider this a rough draft.
We managed to make it to Oakland’s Art Murmur last night. among the venues was a place full of vintage cars. Cool ones. Including this Chevelle in mint condition.
Earlier this year I changed my morning route to work by bicycle. I was hoping to find an easier way to cross busy Sacramento St near the BART station (which I did), and the side benefit was coming across this specimen.
My poor old ’99 Impreza hadn’t had any TLC for thousands and thousands of miles. It was starting to complain to me. It whined when I cranked the wheel to pull away from the curb. It slammed its wipers into the hood with every wipe. It stubbornly plodded when I tried to spur it on.
So, on a drizzly bay morning before work last week, I dropped it off for servicing in west Berkeley. Unfortunately, my bike doesn’t quite fit in the little guy, so after running down the list of complaints to the service manager, I left on foot. I missed the Ashby Ave bus by seconds. Off I went on my damp, 2.5-mile walking commute through Berklandville. While I was hurrying to get to work, I decided to make the most of it and stop to shoot when necessary. Like when I came across these guys, slowly disintegrating in the urban wilderness of the East Bay. At least I got my Subaru feeling better before it came to a similar fate.
Driving back from Baker Beach in the late afternoon, we stopped at a light. Sarah rolled down the window as I raised my iPhone. The dog didn’t pay us no mind, didn’t even blink.
I recently changed the route of my bike commute to work. I was simply trying to get away from San Pablo Ave, which, while it is the straightest shot to my workplace, is also very bike-unfriendly. There are lots of cars, obstacles, freeway on/off ramps, and debris.
I decided that I would try to slide over to Hollis Ave through Emeryville, and this took me into west Oakland. The result is a new crop of photos, and some incubating ideas for future series.
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