Posts Tagged: nikon

As Desolate as My Soul

Hiding in the Trees

Fulton St

Effie in the Waiting Room

Effie in the Waiting Room

Effie in the Waiting Room

I took my mother to her annual checkup at Kaiser. I always take the opportunity to photograph her. It took a half-dozen shots before I got her to smile even this much. It is not that she is sad. She’s not. She’s actually in pretty good spirits. But her relaxed face is not s smile.

Self-Reflexive Existentialist

Technicolor Dreamer

Action Figure Kate

Flying Torso


Torso, British Museum. London, UK, 2009.

Sometimes when you step back and say, “hey, wait a minute,” you notice some traditions are bizarrely avant garde.

Cars Behind Bars #9

The Road Home